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The administrative staff consist of the Treasurer's Office and the Office of the Barangay Captain, including the Barangay Secretary. The Treasurer's Office Takes care of all financial transactions and processes of the barangay, such as bank deposits, withdrawals, payroll, biddings, issuance of cedula, and disbursements or releasing of funds. 


The Barangay Secretary documents & takes minutes of sessions, assemblies, meetings, and/or various gatherings, monitors and reports activities to the Barangay Captain, receives and responds to communications from private or public offices and complaints of the constituents, & does other tasks relevant to the barangay as assigned by the Barangay Captain.


The administrative staff assist in the preparation of the annual plans & budget.



Serves as the conciliators. They reconcile conflicts with regard money, property, and various other civil & criminal conflicts within the community.


They are the task force behind garbage collection and cleanliness of the barangay. The Clean & Green or the Committee on Environmental Sanitation are composed of the garbage drivers & loaders (not in picture), and street cleaners. 




Serves as the guardians of public safety and peace and order. They monitor daily irregular activities in the barangay, such as curfew, illegal drugs, gambling, crimes and other illegal activities. 


GAD stands for gender & development. This office facilitates cases of violence against women & their children, juvenile delinquency, trafficking, and other gender-based cases. They also gather people for various gatherings and assist in activities  of different sectors such as the senior citizens, persons with disabilities, women, children, lgbt, solo parents and ERPAT.




The Maintenance Team is in charge of general services, such as cleaning & declogging of canals, street lighting, electrical & wiring fixes, cutting of trees, and delivery of tents, chairs, and tables for wakes and various activities in the different sitios of the barangay.


The Clearance is in charge of clearances,  certifications, and endorsements for medical & burial assistance. The Clearance is also the Information Desk so they also give general information and receive concerns and complaints.

The Disaster Team is in charge of disaster preparedness and disaster operations of the barangay. They respond to fire alarms, floods, and medical emergencies.  

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